Floral Arrangement in a Bouquet of Questions
A ubiquitous musician and composer, Michel F Côté was born in Montreal, the year the submarine USS Nautilus made history by travelling under the North Pole’s ice cap. He composes a great deal for theatre and dance projects. Indeed, he has over a hundred and twenty projects under his belt, making him a very prolific composer/designer. He has partnered up with Catherine Tardif as co-artistic directors for the dance company Et Marianne et Simon. Since 1990, he has appeared on more than seventy albums. He is associated with the Ambiances Magnétiques record label, on top of being the co-founder of the label &records. He’s also running two other labels, Sono Sordo and UFO.Ω. We can find him backing up these acts: Mecha Fixes Clocks, Klaxon Gueule, Pink Saliva, Jane & the magick bananas, Vulgarités, and Tiari Kese – a duo with himself. In June 2022, he publishes a book/object, Danses à venir. Written in collaboration with Catherine Lavoie-Marcus, Danses à venir is a collection of 161 proposed dances that speculates about the art of choreography and invents its future with no concern for feasibility.
Translated from French by Käthe Roth (original version)
This essay is for subscribers only.
This essay is about the work Do Butterflies Remember Being Caterpillars? to view in the Collection.